Pet Fix Savannah
Low-cost, high-quality spay/neuter clinic.
Pet Fix Savannah
Pet Fix Savannah offers low-cost spay/neuter services for pets and community cats in the Greater Savannah region. Over 50,000 spay/neuter surgeries have taken place at Pet Fix since we opened in 2016.
Appointments can be booked online for owned pets or by calling (912) 354-6265. Appointments are also required for community/feral cats, to make an appointment call (912) 354-6265 or email tnvr@humanesocietysav.org.
Due to our extremely high call volume, your message may take between 24-48 hours to be returned. Please be aware that online appointment requests, messages, or voicemails submitted Friday after 5 pm, and on Saturday and Sunday, will not be received or approved until Monday after patient check-in. If you have questions, the best way to contact us is at info@petfixsav.org.
Our vaccine clinic is open Monday - Friday from 1:00 to 3:00pm - appointments are required. For vaccine clinic info & prices please visit our Vaccine Clinic page.
If you are looking for your pet’s medical records you may access them online on our medical records request page.
Location & Hours
Pet Fix Savannah is located on the campus of the Humane Society for Greater Savannah at 7215 Sallie Mood Dr., Savannah, GA 31406.
Lobby Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday Closed
Spay/Neuter Fees
Cats - $80
Dogs - $130
Dogs over 75 lbs. $150
Additional services available during surgery appointment
1 Year or 3 Year Rabies Vaccine - $20
DA2PPv Vaccine - $20
Bordetella Vaccine - $20
Heartworm Prevention - $7 to $9/month based on weight ($7 under 25 lbs, $8 25-50 lbs, $9 50+ lbs)
Flea/Tick Prevention - $25/month NexGard or $55 for a 3 month dose of Bravecto
Dewormer - $8
Heartworm Test - $25
Microchip - $25
Nail Trim - $5
E-collar - $10
Additional pain meds - $10
1 Year or 3 Year Rabies Vaccine - $20
FVRCP Vaccine - $20
FeLV Vaccine - $30
Flea/Tick Prevention - $25/month NexGard Combo or $55 for a 3 month dose of Bravecto
Dewormer - $8
FIV/FeLV Combo Test - $35
Microchip - $25
Nail Trim - $5
E-collar - $10
Additional pain meds - $10
Community Cats (Feral) require an appointment. Appointments can be made by phone (912) 354-6265 or by emailing tnvr@humanesocietysav.org.
Community cats are required to be in a humane live trap (not a carrier) to receive the community cat price. The discounted rate for a feral/community cat is $55. This includes:
Ear tip
3 year Rabies vaccine
FVRCP vaccine
Pain medication injectionDrop off on appointment day is between 8:00 and 9:00 am, pick up is between 2:00 and 3:00 pm. If needed, Pet Fix can house community cats overnight to be picked up the following morning between 7:30 and 8:00 am (except Saturdays, community cats must be picked up by 3pm Friday).
Pet Fix Savannah will not transfer a community cat from a carrier to a trap for any individual. If our staff determines that a cat brought in as a community cat is actually an owned pet, the full-surgery price will be charged.
If you're unsure what a humane live trap is or would like to learn more about trapping, please contact us at tnvr@humanesocietysav.org.
Pre-surgery instructions:
Kittens under 3 months- Please feed 1/2 of what they normally eat the morning of the surgery
Cats over 3 months old, dogs and puppies - No food after midnight the morning of the surgery.
Do not withhold water; it can be given freely until the time of surgery.
Drop off on appointment day is between 8:00 - 9:00 am and pick up is between 2:00 - 3:00 pm for ALL animals, including community cats/ferals.
If needed, we can keep community cats overnight to be picked up the next morning between 7:30 and 8:00 am (except Saturdays, community cats must be picked up by 3pm on Friday).
Please plan on spending 45 minutes at the clinic for patient check-in. It is required that your pet is picked up same-day. Our front desk staff will provide a time-frame for pick-up during check-in (usually between 2:00 and 3:00 pm).
For their safety, all dogs must arrive on leashes and all cats must arrive in carriers (each cat must be in their own carrier). If you do not have a carrier, drop by the clinic prior to surgery and a cardboard carrier can be purchased for $7.
When you arrive for surgery we ask that you keep your DOG in your vehicle for a brief time, weather permitting, while we complete paperwork and collect payment (cash or card only). Please consider bringing someone with you who can remain in the vehicle with your pet during this time. You will then be asked to bring your pet into the clinic to be examined and weighed by our medical team. Please, let us know if your pet has exhibited any signs of illness, has a known medical condition, or has been on any prescription medication within the last 30 days.
The medical team will ask about your pet’s vaccination status. In Georgia, you are required to have a current rabies vaccination for your pet. If your pet is current, you must bring proof (tags are not accepted forms of proof) or a 1-year rabies vaccine will be provided for a charge of $20.
When you return to the Clinic to pick up your pet you will be given both verbal and written instructions for their post-surgery care.
Post-Operative Instructions
1. All animals should be kept indoors for the next 10 days while their incisions are healing. It’s important they be kept indoors where they can stay clean, dry, and warm. If you cannot keep your pet indoors for 10 days, they should at least be kept inside for the first 48 hours after surgery; dogs must be walked on a leash.
2. NO running, jumping, playing, swimming or other strenuous activity for 10 days. Keep your pet calm. NO baths during the recovery period. Unless directed by a veterinarian, do not attempt to clean the incision area with water, peroxide or any other solution.
3. Check the incision site twice daily. There should be no drainage from the incisions. Redness and swelling should be minimal. DO NOT allow your pet to lick or chew at the incision. If this occurs, an E-Collar MUST be worn to prevent additional licking and chewing that could cause infection or sutures to open. We sell the collars for $10 and they are highly recommended. If purchasing elsewhere, we advise against the flexible style that can easily bend. If you’re unsure about size, please consult with our staff to advise on proper fit.
4. Appetite should return gradually within 24 hours after surgery. Lethargy, diarrhea or vomiting lasting for more than 24 hours after surgery are not normal. Call Pet Fix or take your pet to your regular veterinarian. It is normal for dogs to have a slight cough for a few days after surgery.
5. Do not change your pet’s diet at this time and do not give them junk food, table scraps, milk, or any other human food during the recovery period. This could mask post-surgical complications. Do not offer your pet any treats for the first 24 hours.
6. Your pet received a green tattoo next to their incision. This tattoo is a scoring process in the skin; It is not an extra incision.
7. At the time of surgery, your pet was given an injection of a 24-hour NSAID pain medication. Any further pain medication isn’t typically needed. If a full 24 hours has passed and your pet is acting like it’s in pain (won’t sit/lay down, whimpering, etc.), please contact us or a primary vet for a follow-up visit so veterinarian can determine nature of pain and treatment.
8. Pet Fix Savannah will treat at our clinic (free of charge or at minimal cost) any post-operative complications resulting directly from the surgery if the above post-operative instructions are followed in full. Your regular veterinarian must address illness or injuries that are not a direct result of the surgery. Please call for an appointment as soon you see a cause for concern. We cannot be held responsible for complications resulting from failure to follow postoperative instructions or for contagious diseases, for which the animal was not previously properly vaccinated.
If you have any questions or concerns after surgery, including incision questions, please call;
Monday-Friday 7:30am-4:00pm: (912) 354-6265
If you have an Emergency concern regarding your pet’s surgery or incision site while we are closed, please call our on-call staff member emergency line;
Monday-Friday 4pm-11pm and Saturday-Sunday 7am-11pm: (912) 661-2793
Holiday hours: 7am-11pm: (912) 661-2793
Cats - Keep in warm/dark room alone for the night. Keep children and other pets away from cat until tomorrow. Sometimes the anesthesia will change the cat’s behavior. Do not stick fingers in the carrier if pet is growling or hissing. This should go away the next day.
Dogs - Let pet rest when you get home. Keep children and other pets away until tomorrow. When taking dog out for bathroom breaks, please take out on a leash.
Feeding - Water is okay. Feed ¼ of what you would normally feed your pet this evening, then ½ of what you would normally feed your pet tomorrow morning, then resume normal feeding tomorrow night. Due to anesthesia, pet may not have appetite until following evening after surgery.